Pacific Coast Montessori Academy
October 2023

October Recap and November News

October Recap:


Goodbye October! October was a Spooktastic month full of fun, spooky crafts, and exploring our 5 Senses and Feelings. The children of all classrooms were introduced to the five senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. The children explored the sensorial shelf and used their sense of touch to discover things rough and smooth; they used their sense of sight to match and grade shortest to tallest; their sense of hearing was used to check sound boxes and the importance of smell and taste when trying new foods during snack and lunch. For our Primary students, the geography component was all about North America. Students in this class learned about different North American plants, landmarks, flags, animals, etc. For Zoology, they learned about nocturnal animals and plants vs. animals. The literature for the month was focused on the book Going On A Leaf Hunt by Steve Metzger. This book helped us welcome the season of Fall, and students went on a few fun leaf-finding adventures.


We also had a whole week where we learned all about fire safety. The school reviewed our emergency procedures, which include fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills. We also had a visit from our local fire department. It was a fantastic experience, and the students loved seeing the big red firetruck.


We had a Spooktacular Halloween Parade and class parties to end this month. Students dressed up in their fun costumes and went trick or treating. They also had fun class parties with yummy spooky treats, and they did fun Halloween crafts. Thank you to the families who brought fun Halloween goodies for the students. You made this event extra special for them.


October brought us fun enrichment activities as well! In music, students were introduced to the composer Camille-Sait-Saens, famous for the Carnival of the Animals. Students also had fun rhyming with the Itsy-Bitsy Spider, learned the difference between a note and a rest, and ended the month with fun, spooky music and musical instrument exploration. In art, students created fun pumpkins inspired by the great artist Picasso and fun fall crafts and creepy crawler art projects. Cooking this month was a tasty treat! Students made a yummy spider snack, fall trail mix, apple treats, and their favorite, pumpkin fluff. In Spanish, children learned that every culture and language has the same feelings. They also had a great time learning about Dia de Los Muertos and how it is similar and different from the Halloween holiday we celebrate.

I am looking forward to what fun things we will explore next month. 


November News:


November brings us Harvest and Healthy Bodies. Students are learning about harvest season, foods, and ways to keep our bodies healthy. Classes will talk about fruits and veggies. How important staying active is like doing yoga and running. Classrooms will also speak about virtues and values. The focused literature for the month will be Fill A Bucket by Carol McCloud and Katherine Martin. This book warms the hearts of our students. All students will explore color mixing in science and examine leaves using a magnifying glass and leaf rubbing activities. For our Primary students, the geography component focuses on the United States of America. Students in this class will learn about the map, the 50 States song, and much more! For Zoology, they will learn about living vs. nonliving eagles, turkeys, and bears.


Our first round of Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in November. Parent-teacher conferences are an excellent opportunity to discuss goals, discuss your child’s progress, and share your child’s areas of strengths and needs. Lastly, this month will also be a time to be thankful. All classes will discuss what they are grateful for and will come together for a harvest feast. Please have a look at our school calendar for all the important dates. We do not want you to miss anything.


We are looking forward to a busy month ahead. 

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