Pacific Coast Montessori Academy
September 2023

September Recap and October News

September Recap:

I can't believe how fast September has come and gone! September was full of meeting new friends and adjusting to a new classroom environment. The month was full of students learning their way around the classroom and adapting to their daily schedules and routines. In addition to the students acclimating to their new environments, they were busy following the month's theme, All About Me. Students discussed their family friends, and how to care for themselves. The literature for the month was focused on The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. This story was great to start with because it explained how a mother raccoon comforted her child raccoon to create a new school. The geography component for the month was the seven continents. Students learned a continent song and did various activities about the seven continents. All students practiced their grace and courtesy skills (i.e., greetings, cleaning up, pushing their chairs in, etc.). 

Our Back to School Night was a success! Parents were invited to spend time in the classrooms and talk to teachers. They could walk through the school, meet other families, and get to know the teachers and classrooms more.   

October News:

For October, we will learn about our 5 Senses and Feelings. Children will discuss the five senses of touch, taste, sight, and hearing. Our sensory area of the classroom will focus on all of the senses. They will explore largest to smallest, thickest to thinnest, rough and smooth, loud and quiet, and more. 

The second week of October is known for Fire Safety. We will discuss what to do in case of a fire, have a fire drill, and we will have a visit from our local fire department. Our special guests will be on location and discuss what they do and show what equipment they use. Towards the end of the month, we will have a Halloween parade and little parties to celebrate Halloween. Students are encouraged to dress up in their Halloween costumes. Parents are welcome to join in on the fun! More details to come as Halloween approaches.  

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