Pacific Coast Montessori Academy
November 2023

November Recap and December News

For the month of November, we learned about Harvesting and learning ways to keep our bodies healthy. The children loved sorting different foods under healthy and unhealthy. We hope it encouraged them to try new healthy foods. Our book of the month, Fill A Bucket by Carol McCloud and Katherine Martin, was heartwarming for students of all ages. It gave the children a better understanding of empathy and emotional awareness. They talked about ways they can fill a bucket.


Fall was an excellent time to introduce color mixing, including exploring all the colorful fall leaves. Our Primary students went into depth with the study of California. They looked into CA national parks, sang the 50 states song, explored the US map, and found our beautiful state of California. 


Our enrichment classes enjoyed listening to jazz and playing the rhythm of different jazz artists all month. For art, the children loved creating their own Jackson Polluck-inspired pieces and seeing the other parts made by Polluck himself. Spanish enrichment was fun, learning the names of fruits and veggies and reviewing numbers and colors in Spanish.


Our first Parent-Teacher Conferences of the school year went very well. It is beautiful to see how much the children have grown during their short time here. Goals were set and we look forward to seeing what the rest of the school year has in store! Students' progress reports will be distributed before winter break for you to review. These reports are a guide to your child's progress and future goals that are set out for the rest of the school year. 


Finally, our Friendsgiving Harvest Feast was a great success! The children had so much fun sitting at their long tables together and had a delicious feast of turkey, dressing, mac 'n' cheese, veggies, stuffing, and mashed potatoes! Their turkey hats were an adorable addition to the fun as well! A HUGE thank you to all the parents who helped and donated! 

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